ज़रूरी नहीं हर रात हो चाँद से रौशन, साये हम-बदन से तो बस अमावस में लगते हैं,
जुगनू भी ये बात समझते हैं अलबत्ता, इसीलिए रह रह के आलस में जलते हैं।
Illustration: In this life, everyday is not blissful. When we are in great darkness, then we are able to know who are our dear ones, And in almost all the cases, it is you, yourself: your shadow. The firefly also knows this thing, that is why, to not become oblivious of it’s existence, it does not light up continuously, it does so in intervals, so that it is aware of it’s life’s dark phase too.